A. Ensure good management
#1 – Have resources been allocated (time and money)?
#2 – Are professional communicators involved?
#3 – Is continuity ensured?
B. Define your goals and objectives
Have the final and intermediate communication aims of the project been specified, what impact is intended, what reaction or change is expected from the target audience? For example:
Is there a deadline by which the goals should be achieved, taking into account different stages
of the research and possible intermediary outcomes?
Are the objectives specific and measurable, rather than vague? Does the project envisage ways
of measuring its communication efforts and impact? For example:
research outcomes
‘all stakeholders’)?
Can your audience help you reach your objectives?
Does the project aim to address both a direct audience and intermediaries to reach more people?
What about the possibility of audiences at local, regional, national and European level?
Is the audience external (not restricted to consortium partners)?
interactive so as to obtain responses?